Emergency Dentistry in Clear Lake, TX

In pain? Need emergency dental care? Dr. Jarvis Owens and the team at Legacy Dental Co. are here to help with same-day emergency dentistry in Clear Lake, TX.

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Emergency dentist in Clear Lake

What Is Considered A Dental Emergency?

Any oral health problem that’s causing you pain, discomfort, or bleeding counts as a dental emergency. The category of “dental emergency” includes more things than you may think, including toothaches, damaged teeth, and loose and knocked-out teeth, as well as missing or damaged dental work, cuts to your oral tissue, and much more. 

If you think that your condition counts as a dental emergency, you’re probably right. And to get out of pain and back to your normal routine, it’s important to get trusted emergency dental care in Clear Lake as soon as you can. We offer a wide range of emergency dental services including chipped tooth repair, broken tooth restoration, tooth extractions, and cracked tooth treatment. Contact Legacy Dental Co. now to schedule a same-day appointment with Dr. Owens today.

emergency dentistry

Did you know…

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If you knock out a tooth, it must be replaced within 1-2 hours at most to save it. Call us immediately if you have a knocked-out tooth.

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Same-Day Appointments

We offer same-day appointments for all of our patients in Clear Lake and the Houston areas. The sooner you get help for your emergency, the sooner you can get out of pain. Give us a call to schedule your same-day appointment with our emergency dentist today!

Emergency dentists in Clear Lake, TX

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The Benefits Of Emergency Dentistry

Get out of pain

Dental emergencies can cause tremendous pain and discomfort. With a same-day appointment at Legacy Dental Co., Dr. Owens can get you out of pain, and help you get back to your daily life.

Prevent further complications

The sooner you treat a dental emergency, the better the outcome will be. Preventing further complications saves you from more pain, and also helps you save time and money by avoiding the need for more complex, invasive dental treatments.

Peace of mind

Once you get treatment for your dental emergency in Clear Lake, TX, you’ll have valuable peace of mind. You’ll know that your mouth is healthy, and you can smile and chew with confidence once again.

What To Do In A Dental Emergency

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Call Legacy Dental Co.

If you think that you’re experiencing a dental emergency, your first step should be to call our Clear Lake dentist at Legacy Dental Co. at for a same-day appointment. Tell our team about your situation, and we’ll get you in for an appointment ASAP, and recommend some steps you can take to deal with the situation.

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Take steps to help with pain

In most cases, you can take an over-the-counter pain medication like ibuprofen to help dull the pain of your emergency. You may also be able to reduce pain and swelling by applying ice to your cheek near the affected area. If your mouth is bleeding, you can absorb blood with a clean paper towel, a piece of gauze, or a cotton ball. Apply gentle, even pressure to help reduce bleeding.

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Get same-day dental care

Once your pain and bleeding are under control, come to our office for your appointment. Dr. Owens will take a look at your mouth, assess your situation, and recommend the next steps for eliminating your pain and restoring your smile.

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Frequently Asked Questions

No, emergency dentistry is far from painful. In fact, emergency dentistry is the opposite of that since dentists will utilize pain management techniques to eliminate any pain you feel during a dental emergency. Dentists will also administer a local anesthetic for any invasive emergency dental procedure to numb the nerves and ensure a painless treatment.

The first thing you should do when you notice you have a loose tooth is to contact your dentist. After doing so, leave the tooth alone and avoid wiggling it or trying to pull it off. Next, you want to keep the tooth clean by brushing it gently or around it if it’s too loose. Doing so is important for preventing any infections. If the tooth is too sensitive, you could brush around it and use a mouthwash to flush any particles near the tooth.

You may experience mild pain and swelling if your tooth loosened from physical trauma. If so, use a cold compress on the side near the affected tooth to reduce pain and swelling. Also, adopt a soft diet consisting of foods like pudding jelly, mashed potatoes, and yogurt to avoid disturbing the teeth.

A tooth infection can be a dental emergency, depending on the extent of the infection. Patients with minor infections can wait days or even weeks before seeing the dentist. It’s difficult to say the same about major infections.

Tooth infections like dental abscesses only worsen with time, and prolonging your visit to the dentist puts your health at risk. An untreated dental abscess can cause severe toothache in the tooth near the abscess. It can also cause swelling in the affected region, a fever, and a foul taste in the mouth.  The abscess can spread to the neck, ears, and the rest of the face.

In severe cases, a tooth infection can cause septic shock. This occurs when the bacterial infection enters the bloodstream and triggers a body-wide inflammation. This constricts your blood vessels, making your blood pressure drop to dangerous levels.

Knocked-out teeth are among the most common dental emergencies, causing excruciating pain and putting your gums at risk of infection. Most patients knock out their teeth during physical sports, accidents, or falls.

Sometimes patients don’t knock out but instead chip or fracture their teeth, which is also another dental emergency. Chipped or fractured teeth may expose the sensitive nerves at the tooth’s core, causing extreme pain. It's worth noting that minor chips in the tooth are not dental emergencies and only require a cosmetic fix.

Broken restorations like broken amps and fillings are also dental emergencies. This is especially true if you experience sharp pain in the affected tooth after the fillings break or fall out. Broken or fallen fillings expose the sensitive layers of your dentin and nerves, causing pain and warranting an emergency dental visit.

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Legacy Dental Co.