Are Veneers Removable or Permanent?

So you’ve been looking into veneers and found some contradictory information about how they’re placed. 

Many patients wonder if veneers are a permanent solution to their cosmetic dental issues or if they can be removed.

Well, the simple answer is that veneers can be both permanent and removable, but it depends on the type of veneer. 

Are There Different Types of Veneers?

Yes! Veneers come in all sorts of shapes and sizes:

  • Porcelain veneers: The traditional type of veneers that are permanently bonded to the tooth;
  • Resin or temporary veneers: These are placed on the teeth after you’ve had the prepping procedure done to protect them until your veneers are ready;
  • Composite veneers: They are similar to porcelain veneers but are more affordable and less durable;
  • Lumineers: A very thin type of veneer that requires little or no prep and can be removed.
  • Snap-on veneers: These are a type of removable veneer that provides a quick solution to a patient’s cosmetic issue. 

Should You Choose Permanent or Removable Veneers?

Some patients might not feel comfortable committing to an irreversible procedure like permanent veneers. To get them, your Clear Lake dentist has to shave a small amount of tooth enamel, which creates a rough texture and allows veneers to bond with the tooth.

Removable veneers don’t require this process, so you are free to change your mind and go back to your natural smile, which you cannot do with veneers.

Still, most cosmetic dentists will recommend permanent veneers rather than temporary ones for some key reasons:

  • Finished look: Snap-on veneers don’t look as natural when compared to permanent veneers. This could create even more cosmetic issues for the patient.
  • Durability: Porcelain veneers can last 10–15 years, maybe more. Snap-on veneers are a lot less durable, only lasting around 2–5 years;
  • Increased risk for oral health issues: Snap-on veneers need to be cleaned to remove bacteria and any food particles that could become trapped in them. Otherwise, patients can develop more cavities and even gum disease. Permanent veneers only require regular brushing and flossing.

No-prep Veneers Might Be a Better Choice for You

If you don’t want to commit to permanent veneers but want a better solution than snap-on ones, no-prep veneers might be right for you.

Because they are thinner than porcelain veneers, they don’t require as much enamel shaving, if any. This means the veneers can be safely removed.

No-prep veneers can last almost as long as their porcelain counterparts. Some patients keep their no-prep veneers for 10 years or longer.

Get the Smile You’ve Always Wanted With Us

Dr. Jarvis Owens is here to help you improve your smile’s appearance with both traditional and no-prep veneers. 

Schedule a consultation at Legacy Dental Co. online and come find out which type of veneer suits you best.

For more information, call us at (281) 488-8463 for a short chat.

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